воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.
australian populations
Today I went to the Hyatt Singapore for a Champagne Brunch, courtesy of my company of course. I went with my team mates, and it was pretty nice. Kinda reminds me a bit of that Japanese dinner buffet I had in KL some months ago which cost me RM100. Well, this one is S$120 (I think) per head... Free flow of champagne and all types of food you can think of - Jap, Western, Chinese, Mediterranean and lotsa dessert (chocolate fondue... Yummmmz).
Suffice to say I surprised my boss with my ability to scoff off more food than he initially thought. Okay, I didnapos;t eat most of the food there (like roast steak, pot roast, mashed potatoes, fresh oysters, dim sum). All I had was smoked salmon (which was really good), cold cuts, chilled seafood (prawns, mussels), salads and lotsa dessert. Come to think of it... I didnapos;t really eat the moneyapos;s worth.
Mark and Ying
I had Champagne... Canapos;t tell if I had a lot coz they kept topping it up, so we continued drinking more and more. I definitely did not get plastered (I thought I would)... But I think I had developed a distaste for alcoholic beverages. I donapos;t think Iapos;ll ever enjoy them again... Unless theyapos;re the super sweet cocktail-y type.
We wanted to get a before and after photo (before getting and hammered and after, that is)
Before... The Gang.
Thing is... No one got drunk at the end. We saw people stumbling at the end of the brunch, drunk and laughing. Some even dancing... What I noticed was, 90 of the patrons there were gweilo. Hmmm... Coincidence?
Matt and Ying ... Drunk? Nah. Just fooling about.
At approximately 4pm, we were asked to leave (Weapos;ve been sitting there for 4.5 hours... Wow) and we proceeded to the bar. Very nice place... Classy and itapos;s the type of place Iapos;d hang out if I were bloody rich. I was slowly sipping a Martini when suddenly...
australian populations, australian population statistics, australian population state.
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